What is a Sun Anemone?


At my sort of local pet store, I saw some so-called "Sun Anemones." Very beautiful little things, about the size of a golf ball, sort of mixture orange and yellow, with a little brown in the tenticles. However, I can't find much about them, just that they are Atlantic species, and are cousins to the condy anemones. Anyone have any experience with them? They were very cheap, only $10.99, and I thought it would be a pretty adition to my 55. I know, since it is Atlantic, that it probably won't host a clown. I saw the term "strong stinger." I'm also wanting to make sure they aren't dyed that lovely orange/yellow color.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.


They can apply the word sun to anything...Most likely all they are is a Condylactis or Condy anemone.
And if they are indeed from the atlantic then they are no natural host for clownfish, so beware if you are purchasing and hoping for a symbiotic relationship.


I have no hope for symbiosis, as I can't even get my two percs into the BTA in my 90. I just thought it was pretty, and I like anemones. I have good lights and I thought it would be a possibility.
Do you think yellow/orange would be the natural color? It doesn't look much like a condy. Very short tentacles, like a carpet anemone. Anyway, I was just wondering. I want to be sure it won't hurt anything, and we're supposed to boycott dyed anemones, right?
Thanks for the info!


Yep boycott dyed anmeones

Have you seen pics of rock/flower anemones before? Just a possibility.
I would say that yellow/orange would not be the natural color, however I have seen some rock/flower anemones with some yellowish tints. Not sure if you can find anything like that in the atlantic or not.
Hmmm. Look up Tealia anemone and tell me if that is what it looks like.


It has a similar shape to that, but without the long tentacles around the edge. It doens't have such a strikingly obvious "mouth" like the one in that picture. And it isn't pink. But other than that, it looks just like it!

I'm going to look up the species you mentioned. I'd like to get a picture from the store, he'd let me, but it's a long way down there for a picture. It's orange at the very bottom and then fades into a light yellow, which is the color of most of the base and the tentacles.
Well, if I can get a picture, I'll post it and then maybe that will shed some light. Thanks for the help, Thomas!
P.S. Can I add a third perc in with my two? I read that they form family groups. I thought that if I got a wild-caught fish, it may "inspire" the other two to jump in the anemone in my 90. Just something I was thinking over.


Well, I managed to talk myself out of it. I'm too worried it may be dyed because the orange coloration is so vivid.
I think I might get another BTA and try with a pair of wild-caught percs in the 55.
Thanks for all of the help and information!