what is aptasia?


i have seen a lot of posts about aptasia. since i will soon be buying lots of new additions for my tank will someone tell me exactly what it is, why it's bad, and how to spot it?


Active Member
Aiptasia species, also known as Glass, Rock, Tube, or Glassrose anemones, can harm your reef in two ways: they can sting your more desirable sessile livestock and multiply rapidly to aggressively compete for food and space. In addition, they are notoriously difficult to eliminate. Because they are so tiny, they can quickly withdraw into tiny holes. In addition, if you try to siphon, pull, or cut one out and don't remove most of it, what is left can regenerate, sometimes into multiple anemones leaving you with more than you started with. Hope this helps..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Posiden
What is aptasia?
A PITA. That is what it is.

luvmyreef did a bang up job explaning it.

(a bang up job)
I was only stating facts....but okay let me rephrase my answer to match yours.....IT IS A BIG PITA
And just hope you never have to deal with it...


Does anyone have a good picture? i have one unidentified anemone in my tank that i am concerned about. it is growing very quickly. currently about 1/2 inch tall and reddish in color. i am attaching the best pics i can get. sorry they aren't better.



Active Member
I keep a bottle of joes juice on hand to deal with it.
No matter how careful I look around for it, it always comes up...never in the same spot. Joes takes it out within seconds.
About once every 2 weeks I notice a new one, and deal with it.


we live in a small town with no lfs. is there a home remedy for this? if not, it will be next weekend before i can get to a real fish store.


If you don't mind losing one or two. Peppermint Shrimp work GREAT on the small ones like you have.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 242bats
we live in a small town with no lfs. is there a home remedy for this? if not, it will be next weekend before i can get to a real fish store.
Do you have any lemon juice on hand? I think straight white vinagar too. If you use kalkwasser for your tank you can make a paste. Turn off your pumps and place the past on it, it will go boom. Leave the pumps off for about 20 min.


we just boiled it. we removed the rock from the tank and squirted the anemone with boiling tank water. it shrivelled up and turned grayish purple. hopefully that means he is dead. if not we will try the lemon juice next. we are trying really hard not to hurt the polyps on the rest of the rock. we just got them and like them alot.


Active Member
I can't say as I blame you for that. When the new tank I am building gets going it will have a matt of the clove polyps you have. I am doing somthing a little different on this one. At least I hope it is different. I can't recall seeing anything like it. Anyway.
I hope you got it. May your days be aptasia free.
While this has come up.. I have a couple aiptasia on one of my LR thats footed itself underneath a filter feeder clam! Any safe way to take out the aitptasia without harming the clam?


New Member
I have too many uptasia and I was wondering how much is the maximum lemon juice that I should use to take care of this big problem in my tank? also is there any other form? thanks


Active Member
aptasia and pepermints is hit and miss. its not a garonteed fix. mostly becasue aptasia is somethign of oportunity for pepermints.
lemon juice is a good home remody. boiling tank water is as well. or pickling juice you get at walmart can work. ordering joes juice or aptasia x. is about the best solution. taking out aptasia is just a part of tank maintance. you can spot it pretty easy, your eyes are keen to notice new stuff pretty quick.


Originally Posted by King_Neptune
aptasia and pepermints is hit and miss. its not a garonteed fix. mostly becasue aptasia is somethign of oportunity for pepermints.
lemon juice is a good home remody. boiling tank water is as well. or pickling juice you get at walmart can work. ordering joes juice or aptasia x. is about the best solution. taking out aptasia is just a part of tank maintance. you can spot it pretty easy, your eyes are keen to notice new stuff pretty quick.
JMO I used all that stuff and It didn't work. they would close up when I would squirt them with it but then the next day I would see them floting around the tank and they would attach to glass. I got a couple peppermint shrimp and I dont see them any more and I dont have to spend any more money on the remedies.. Again JMO