what is best to feed wolf eel and dwarf lion?

soon (maybe within the next month or so) we are going to get our wolf eel and dwarf lion, but i cant seem to get a stright answer about what to feed them. someone said live feeds, but didnt say what kind, so what kind would be best if he wont eat frozen food? and as for the wolf eel, when i used to work at the LFS we used to feed it goldfish, but heard that isnt good for saltwater fish, so what would be best for him? TIA
in what way could a 1' eel eat a 7" lion with stinging fins? first of all the mouth on the eel would be way to small, and it would get stung so much it would just give up......when i used to work at the LFS here we used to keep eels with tons of lions, from babys to full grown, and the eels were from 4 or 5" to about 1' long, and never lost even one lion. also, thank you for the tips on feeding :)
I have about a 6 to 8" wolf eel that loves his shrimp from the market. I also have a rather large lion that eats like a mac truck. I have to distrack him by throwing food over his way so the sharks can eat. You can litterly feed him out or your hand if you are brave enough. My wolf eel does fine and has recently gotten a new friend he stays with (zebra moray). Everyone is happy and eating well so far. The wolf eel will accually hide in the rocks and changes his color to blend in with his surroundings. He is the coolest. GOOD LUCK


I though wolves were really aggressive, like the tessy. I could be mixed up. Sounds like you have plenty of experience.
On a side note, a lions spines are some deterent from an attack but if an fish eating eel wants him, he'll get him.


Active Member
If you wolf is anything like mine it will hit anything that hits the water. Especially shrimp! He's by far the most aggressive eater in the tank but doesn't mess with any of this tank mates. Just quick to the dinner table. Good luck with him. They're a great fish!


Green wolf eels are not eels, but really aggressive pseudochromis. These fish get about 18" long and thick like a bike tire, and like what other said, mine (before i got rid of it) ate almost everything it could get its mouth on.
It would size up fish in he tank by mouthing them, and would often just mame a fish jut becuz it could fit it in its mouth.
Lastly lionfish venom are not deterants from being eaten. If the eels smart he eats the lionfish face first, this way the lions spines fold back like normal and the eel doesn't get stuck.
I disliked my green wolf eel just becuz he was way too mean for my tank of lions


Active Member
Frank, I can't remember the last time I saw one of your posts here. Always enjoyed your insight on the lion community!