What is Cheato?


Active Member
Chaeto is a type of macro algae that usually grows well (I apparently suck at growing macro algaes, but that's a different story) in a refugium without going "asexual" and releasing spores into your tank like caleurpa can.


You suck at growing chaeto? That's about the only thing I can do right in my tank. That stuff grows like a weed in my fuge. I pull a good size handful out every couple of weeks. I got mine at my LFS, I asked if they'd sell me any and they said, "no, we'll just give you some, this stuff grows so fast it's no problem." They gave me about a softball sized chunk and it quickly grew to fill up my fuge in no time. Oh, and to further answer the first posters question, the main purpose that chaeto fills is to suck the nitrates out of your water. That's it main food source so to speak.


Active Member
I really do... I can't grow macros.. I'm increasing the flow rate in my refugium and adding a DE 10,000wt light to my refugium... it's the saddest thing... i'm almost wondering if I don't have enough phosphates or something in my water changes...


New Member
? Im having a nitrate problem and I was told that getting cheato was a good thing? But if it's not growing in my tank and that means it's a good thing, then any sujustions on what to go for my nitrate problem??


Active Member
My cheato did not fare to well in my fuge either journy. In fact the nice perfectly round almost softball size bunch I bought started to flatten out and get a bit "blotchy" in my fuge under 60 watts of wally world shop lights.
Apparently if enjoys more flow and the spectrum from my PC lights in the main tank. I figured I had nothing to lose when I tossed it in the main tank. Despite having to deal with some random grazing from the tanks inhabitants it returned to its former glory within a week.
Calurpa on the other hand is not nearly as fussy but like you said has its draw backs. I have not had any problems with it in my fuge but lets face it, its ugly and once attached to the rock work, which it seems to do in a matter of hours, its a real pain to eliminate/prune.


I am thinking about putting some of this in my main tank (don't have a fuge) also I need more color :jumping: will it do okay with the normal hood light that comes with your tank?


Active Member
1Journeyman, what kind of skimmer are you using? I have heard that some skimmers are so powerful that they pull out most of the nutrients that macroaglae needs to grow. maybe you should consider running your skimmer partime.