What is considered strong/high lighting


I already have 96W PC on my 30G, and I just stumbled on a web site selling a 96W Corallife Aqualite hood at a pretty good discount. If I were to get this my watts per gallon would jump to 6.4, but it would all be PC. Would this allow me to keep some of the things that require high intensity lighting like SPS's and Clams, or would I need the brightness of MH for those creatures?


Active Member
You need MH or VHO for Clams and SPS. The lighting you have now is just mediocre lighting for hardy soft corals.



Originally posted by KittyKitty
how is changing from 96 watts to 96 watts any different?

I think he means 96 watts + 96 watts. Have both hoods/light setups on the same tank.
Having sps and clams under non-metal halides is hotly debated. Yes, a "few" people do maintain them under similar lights as you're planning. Though I am hesitant to suggest or ever try them under non-mh/hqi lights personally, I'm sure the success rate isn't nearly the same.


depends on what kinda clam you want. with the lighting you're looking to get, you should be able to get away with on of those deresa clams- but yer still not gonna be giving it ideal lighting.
for high intense light then you may wanna consider a 175 watt metal halide pendent light. they're not too expensive. you should be able to get one for around $200 or so. do the math & see how much more this would be after you pawn off your current p/c on ---- (also considering the $$ saved from not buying the additional p/c)



Originally posted by Purity
high intense light then you may wanna consider a 175 watt metal halide pendent light. they're not too expensive. you should be able to get one for around $200 or so.


yeah but if the tank's only 30 gallon then he should be able to get adequate coverage. of course it depends on the width vs. height of the tank but i'm pretty sure everything in there will be getting more than enough light


Thanks for the responses. Sorry I wasn't more clear. I just saw the 96W coral life hood for $85, thought it was a good price and wanted to see if adding it to my system would get me anything, but I guess not.