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if it is not hazardous to the corals during the dip, y is it so hazardous in your tank? can fish not tolerate it? inverts?
yes it is hazardous to the coral, if you leave a coral in dip too long it kills it. it is also hazardous to inverts and fish, and your bacterial colonies in your tank. an OD on iodine can throw your tank so out of whack its not even funny. that said, like geo g mentioned you wouldnt dose iodine with a dip anyway, you would want an iodide supplement.
most salt mixes have already at or above NSW levels of iodine. when I used to test iodine when I was trying to dose it my levels were always above NSW levels. it seemed nothing used it faster than my salt mix reintroduced it. after a couple years wasting money on test kits for it I gave up. according to my kits I never needed to dose it, not even once. (I'm not saying you wont ever need it because I didnt, but I am saying rely on your test kits to tell you if you need it. dont let your fish store tell you you need it). one of the easist way to introduce safe iodine into your tank is to feed algae to your fish, the fish eat it poop it out and the resulting fish waste as it breaks down in your system supplies iodine in the most natural way possible.
and of course Blind dosing should never be done. if you want to dose anything the appropriate test kit should be used to ensure it is needed. dosing blind is akin to trowing a football at the front of your tank, it may not break it the first time or even the first dozen times but why take the chance.