I have a 100 gallon tank that i have had set up for almost 2 years. It has about 100 pounds of LR and about 75 pounds of LS. I run a CPR overflow into a 15 gallon sump which i have a berlin protein skimmer,some bio balls, LR,& a UV sterilizer. I also have a bak pak because the Berlin doesnt work that well.I cant figure out why nothing survives in my tank. I do 20 gallon water changes every week. About a month ago i bought 2 two spot gobys, and within a day they were both dead. I waited 2 weeks and bought a cleaner shrimp & yellow headed sleeper goby and the shrimp died within 5 minutes and the goby died 4 days later. And just last night my Kole tang was acting really funny he normally is all over the place and last night he was just sitting behind a rock. I took a sample of my water to my LFS and i told them to test everything they could and they said everything looked fine only thing they saw was that my phosphates were just a tad high but it was right before i did a water change.
Heres my stock list
1 percula clown
1 kole tang
1 yellow tang
a bunch of hermits & snails
1 tiger tail cucumber
1 serpent sea star
1 crocea clam
1 star polyp colony
1 batch of green mushrooms
my levels
nitrates 20
nitrites 0
ph 8.2
salinity 1.024
Heres my stock list
1 percula clown
1 kole tang
1 yellow tang
a bunch of hermits & snails
1 tiger tail cucumber
1 serpent sea star
1 crocea clam
1 star polyp colony
1 batch of green mushrooms
my levels
nitrates 20
nitrites 0
ph 8.2
salinity 1.024