What is good?


Any one know any kind of fish, goby, or blenny that will sift sand? or bury itself in the sand and also pretty active and has a few bright colors? looking for a fish of something like this, any one's advice is appreciated. I guess i am looking for something like a catalina goby, since i already have this goby, is there anything else that is like it taht i can get?


the problem with most sand-sifting gobies is that eventually, they'll eat all the buggies and leftove foods out of your sand and will starve to death. Until the recent addition of an evil lawnmower blenny, I'd had astounding luck/skill? with the goldenhead sleeper goby. While most people can barely get them to sift sand, mine had taken to frozen foods in lieu of sifting the sand. (Which didn't really bother me, I got him because he was gorgeous and I knew my sand had plenty of buggies for him to eat) He'd lived well with a fat belly until that stupid lawnmower blenny.
Anyways, before my train of thought de-railed. *sighs* the brown-barred (dragon to some) goby sifts the top layer sand, burrows (messes the rock around a bit, but he dens with my ribbon eel and got the eel eating krill) and is uniquely colored. They're not photogenic!!!!! They're much prettier in real life :D They have wonderful electric blue streaks running down their faces and sides, although their bodies are a bit drab, it's an interesting combination under the right lighting. They take to frozen food like champs. Not as pretty as the sleeper gobies, but a lot more likely to stay alive in your tank.


You could get a jawfish. They burrow their homes in the sand. Great looking fish with wonderful behaviors. I would check to see if its safe to have one with cc before buying one first.