What is happening to my blue angel?


Seems like the whitish area has grown alittle bigger for the past 2 weeks. Does anyone know what kind of disease (or is it?) the blue angelfish is suffering from? It eats and behave normally otherwise. How to cure it? Thanks....
ph=8.0-8.1, Temp = 77F, SG = 1.020, No3= 0-5ppm PO4 = 0.25mg/L
The tank was setup 3 years ago. 100 plus Gal of water (including Sump)


now im no expert but i would say SG is too low ive read 1.026 is what u r aiming for


Fish looks healthy, water seems to be in order. Your SG is fine unless you are keeping corals then i would try to raise it to the 1.024-1.026 range
I would fare to say your fish is starting its color change to its adult coloration. those white bars will just keep getting wider.


Originally Posted by Jaymz
Fish looks healthy, water seems to be in order. Your SG is fine unless you are keeping corals then i would try to raise it to the 1.024-1.026 range
I would fare to say your fish is starting its color change to its adult coloration. those white bars will just keep getting wider.

Thanks, but I am not referring to the white bars...I have circled the problematic area with red circle...it is something that I should worry about?
p.s. Yes, it is a FOT.



Active Member
gforce, im no expert by any way shape or means, but, it looks to me like his adult coloring is coming in, if you look at the pic of the adult, and then at the spot you circled, it looks an awful lot like his adult coloring, doesnt it?


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
gforce, im no expert by any way shape or means, but, it looks to me like his adult coloring is coming in, if you look at the pic of the adult, and then at the spot you circled, it looks an awful lot like his adult coloring, doesnt it?


Active Member
There is nothing wrong with keeping SG at 1.020 as long as it is consistant, a lot of people with FO tanks do this, fish are more active, and less likely to contract desease.....All of my fish have come from a fairly prominant online dealer out of Los Angelos, they keep their fish at 1.019, and corals and inverts at 1.025.....Any Nitrite whatsoever is no good though and I would target a slightly higher PH around 8.3 or 4, however I think the fish looks ok.


Active Member
Just a refresher course for everybody
, NO3=Nitrate (not nitrite) and PO4=Phosphates. What test kit are you using, G-force? That has the lowest nitrate reading at 0-5ppm?
Lower salinity is perfectly fine for FO's. The lower the salinity, the more oxygen can dissolve into the water. Same thing for temperture. The lower the temp., the more DO the water can hold. IMO, 1.020 is fine, but 1 thousandths low, I'd keep it at 1.021 and temp around 77°.
Phosphates is high. Are you having algae problems? (Probably not since you're able to get a reading). But, I would expect that to change soon. Not to be a jerk, but I'm going to guess your either using tap, and/or feeding a lot of pellets/flakes? Test the water change/top-off water for phosphates, and if your using pellet/flakes switch to a more proper fresh marine diet.


Active Member

Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Just a refresher course for everybody
, NO3=Nitra
te (not nitri
te) and PO4=Phosphates. What test kit are you using, G-force? That has the lowest nitrate reading at 0-5ppm?
I was just piggybacking, I have forgotten anything and everything I learned in Chemistry

Oh, and I only wish I could ever attain 5ppm of Nitrate.