what is happening to my lions?


i have a 160 gal that has 6 fuzzy dwarf lions. the lions were in my 100 until i upgradedto the 160. they have been in the 160 for about a month. yesterday all of them got cloudy eye 3 died and the others are dying. what happend i the 160gal is about 7 months old amo is .1 nit 0 nat 15. how do i treat this.
any help would be great


Staff member
You need to give more info about what you are seeing. Specifics.
Also, what type tank do you have? Do you have a QT?


i have a qt they are all in it now. its a 30g. well as for the fish their eyes are a milky color. it happend suddenly like i a day. the eyes are starting to swell a little.


Same thing happened to my dwarf. Upgraded from a 30 to a 50. A month later, he got cloudy eyes. About a week later, they both swelled and got real huge. Two days later, he died.
I know lions are susceptible to whatever fungus/bacteria causes their milky eyes. Sometimes it goes away, and sometimes they die (I guess those are the only two options).
Just wanted to let you know you're not alone with this.


Staff member
Try treating the fish with Marcyn Two for SW fish [the brand that has the b-complex vits in it] Double dose every day for 5-7 days.
Be sure to do a water change and, and, if you have a source of carbon filtration use that too for 2 hrs, just before a redose of the mediction.
Maintaining optimum water quality is going to be a chore if you just set up that QT. Be prepared with lots of water.
Are they still eating? What are you feeding them?


Staff member

Originally posted by StacyT
Just thought I'd say I like the avatar.

Thought it would be apropos for a SWF.com shark, at least during the Nemo craze , ;)