What is ICH ?


New Member
What is ICH ? What do you look for ? How do they get it ?
How can you prevent it ? Would like to know everything about ICH

who dey

Active Member
ick is a disease similar to a cold. its more visable at night than in morning. caused by stress from aggressive fish, uncomfortable envirionment possibly from water conditions. Ick is most common in white spots, can also be black. Ick will attack quickly wearing out the animal until death unless properly treated. I have fought ick with nothing but running a uv sterilizer and 50%water change. only running the uv during the presents of disease and introduction of new fish. good luck. ick is not the end of the world!! :joy:


Active Member
actually, black ich is not true ich. and it is not nearly as bad to deal with either, "black ich" can be easily defeated with formalyn treatments.
I have heard one theory that ich exists in all fish, and that it breaks out due to stress, etc. either way, it has a life cycle, and when mature, will drop off the host, into the tank, where it will become free seeming and infect all fish in your tank. I've only dealt with ich once (knock on wood), and it is sad to watch a healthy fish succumb to it. it can be treated with copper (not in the main tank) and an even better method is hyposalinity (also not in the main tank). Beth has a great thread on ich and hyposalinity in the disease forum.


Active Member
You might want to check out the disease and treatment section of this board. If I remember right Beth did a write up on this. If not then at least you can do some reading up on it there.


I agree with Pontius i have heard that ich if like hives in people, we all have the abilty to have it.