What is it with all of the *bump* posts?


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
sorry, had to do it.
bumping old posts earns the offender 1 infraction point, that never leaves your profile, even though it is expired. it is considered "insulting other members", somehow.

When infractions are given, Mods have one of a few choices on what class to put it in. "insulting other members" is a catch all.


I beleive only mods and admin can see the infractions that an account has on it and the poster.
youll know if you ever get an infraction though it shows up in your PM box with the reason why and the infraction warning.


Active Member
oooh dangerous, i wanna infraction now - imma bad grrrl
i never knew.
did tobin get any infractions for the political stuff? i know sometimes he could get carried away lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
I beleive only mods and admin can see the infractions that an account has on it and the poster.
youll know if you ever get an infraction though it shows up in your PM box with the reason why and the infraction warning.
wow interesting. I've never gotten an email so I guess I'm good.... is that true, Mike? Do I still have a clean record? If so, how is that possible?


Active Member
its not letting my paste my screencap, but this is from the copy/paste
Post Date Expires Points Reason Posted By
Profile 07-11-2008 1 Insulted Other 1journeyman
Infraction 03:00 AM Member(s)


Yearofthenick your profile is clean
stdreb27 its not automatated we have to type a message like a PM the points for the infraction are automatic though after its given.