What is it?


Does anyone know what this is? It's about two inches when fully extended and will retract when scared.


Active Member
yep its aptaisa. youll want to get rid of that with joes juice or kalk paste because it can take over the tank


Active Member
well its not bad because it can help to clear up your water. but it will take over the tank and cover the corals and kill them if it gets out of hand. so i would recommend taking care of it and get it out of there.


Active Member
well, if you try to remove it by hand, or it gets damaged, the spores will fly around the tank, land, and they will pop up everywhere though. you dont have to take it out, but most people do as a precaution


Active Member

Originally posted by 6stokes
Wow, It has been in my tank for about 6 months and hasn't changed or multiplied.

Some won't grow or multiply, some will. If they do you can have problems. For this reason a majority of people get rid of them. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by JacknJill
well its not bad because it can help to clear up your water.

I'm not saying you are wrong, but how do they clear up the water?


That rock also has some green hair algea so I was going to take it out this weekend and scrub it anyway. I'll use some kalk paste too I guess.


Active Member
im not sure fow exactly, i think they just act as a filter. i heard someone talking on another thread who had a lot of aptiasia and someone else told them not to take it out until the cycle finished because it really helped to clear the water. im not positive, just repeating what i heard.