What is it?


New Member
I have this thing in one of my live rocks. It is covered up with sand. It has some maroon looking hairs and very long tentacles that are clear with black dashes on them. The tentacles are like 4 inches long and are working around the rocks. Is this something that I should leave in the rock. I would just like to know what is it.


Active Member
can yoiu see it or just the tentacles, and mybe teh head,
if the tentacles are whitish,a nd the blac spots move, it is probably a spagetti worm, and the black is food, that it is bringing back to the mouth
if this is the case, they are a good addition


I have atleast 3 of these in my tank, one of them is the color you mentioned, the other is white and the other is red. They seem fine all they do is clean off the rocks, the only drawback is that sand pile that your talking about, its actually a "poop" pile.


Active Member
i don't remember, but i am pretty sure tha tpnuts have no 4 inch tentacles
if i had ot guess i would guess spagetti, but i cannnnot post a pic, because they are hard to get a good pic of, because they aare almost completely hidden and the tentacle s are so fine and difficult to foto


New Member
After your UFO suggestions I did some research and the verdict is: it is a spaghetti worm.
Thanks everybody