What Is It?


I was just curious, it showed up this morning. I picked up a couple of pieces of LR from the lfs 2 days ago. guess he was hitching a ride


Active Member
Originally Posted by begginer10
I was just curious, it showed up this morning. I picked up a couple of pieces of LR from the lfs 2 days ago. guess he was hitching a ride

Just as an FYI either type have extremly specific requirments. If you are not prepared for taking care of one it would be a good idea to return it to your LFS. If one dies in your tank they can cause high spikes in amonia in a very short time.


Active Member
how big is it? could be a ricordia if pretty small, but most hitchiker anenomes would be considered pests so good luck :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
how big is it? could be a ricordia if pretty small, but most hitchiker anenomes would be considered pests so good luck :)
I was thinking that to but the lack of color was leading me more towards anemone, but still a possibility.


Active Member
I dont get how something that that big and noticable can be a hitchhiker. The biggest hitch hiker i ever got was a blue legged hermit crab. My LFS shakes the LR in tank before giving it to me.


Active Member
Looks like a fairly healthy ( but confused, and may split soon ) GBTA to me. With that lighting and the location, should open big. Might want to try to get that ric above it, out of the way.