what is it???


My seahorse who i just got about 1 week ago appears to have a "slit" under her tummy. I am new to all of this so what could it be. She also changes color. When she is with one of the other ones " her buddy" she lightens up when she leaves her she gets abit darker. I think that is normal. But what the slit under her belly??? I tried to take a pic but could not get a good one of the slit. But here is a few others of her. Thanks for teaching me and the help.



Active Member
Her is probably a HIM ( does it go up and down????) and if he is dancing with another horse and changing colors, then that thier mating dance. try to get a front picture - it probably a pouch - I know you asked everyone what S E X your horses where in another thread, but they are probably just too young to tell.


It may be a female and the slit could just be the anal slit.
My female had that.Is the slit right under her belly?Kind of upside down?
Beautiful horse by the way

Man I need a horse again...lol


I was tring to get a pic from the front. Not a easy task. And yes it runs up and down, I only see it on the one. I will try in a few min to get the pic,
Thanks again everyone


ok here is one that is very good if you look close the slit is under the belly and fin. Hope this one helps.
Thanks again


Yes I agree. It does look like a pouch developing. It is always hard to tell as seahorses are usually sold unsexed. But after seeing these pics I agree with Teresa that it is a young male.


thanks for all your help. If I end up with babies, you 2 can have first picks just pay for the shipping
Everyone here is so helpful, as i am just starting out and tring to learn