Hello all,
I am still a novice....... less than one year of enjoying the reef tanks! - I recently noticed these slug/snail like creatures were on the glass in the mornings, after the lights are on for a few minutes they are in hiding. There seems to be around 30 of them so far that I can see. They are approx. 1/4" long, creamy white, they seem to have a fish like tail with a white spot in the center. Does anyone know what these critters are??? I do have a picture, but I'm having a hard time attaching it to this message, I have tried several times. If you'd like to see a pic, please email.
Thanks for any info......

I am still a novice....... less than one year of enjoying the reef tanks! - I recently noticed these slug/snail like creatures were on the glass in the mornings, after the lights are on for a few minutes they are in hiding. There seems to be around 30 of them so far that I can see. They are approx. 1/4" long, creamy white, they seem to have a fish like tail with a white spot in the center. Does anyone know what these critters are??? I do have a picture, but I'm having a hard time attaching it to this message, I have tried several times. If you'd like to see a pic, please email.
Thanks for any info......