What is it????


I just bought a Yellow Tang and have had him for about 2 weeks. The stupid thing I did was that I put him right into the main tank without q/t. keep in mind i'm new at this.This is the first salt water tank I have ever set up and it's a 29 gallon all glass tank. Well anyway 2 days ago I noticed
some black stuff on the tips of his lower fins and I don't know what it is. So can anybody help me and tell me what it is. I called my lfs and they didn't know what to tell me they said I would have to bring the fish to them so they can look at it. But I thought I would just post a message here and hope to get some responses. Well anyway Thanks to anybody who has some info. :eek: ??

[ July 18, 2001: Message edited by: yelllowtang ]


It is probably black ick or possibly fin rot.I had a tang that was diagnosed with fin rot with the same description as you gave.Also,I hope you plan to upgrade your tank soon.A 29 gallon is too small for a yelloe tang.They need lots of room to swim.What are you feeding it?If you have a quarantine tank,you should have used it.Use it for every new fish.What else do you have in your tank?


Staff member
I think we need a bit more detail in the description. Black "stuff" doesn't tell us much.


Its just that the tips of the lower fins are plain black just on the tips though and I know that's not normal. and to answer the other question the other fish I have in my tank are:7 damsels which I plan to get rid of soon because they are too mean. and I have 1 percula clown 2 scooter blennies and 1 coral beauty. And I do plan to upgrade to a 55 gallon tank very soon. ;)


I know now that I look at it it sounds really bad doesnt it?
I shouldn't of got that many fish.
But the reason I did was I didn't know I could only have a few fish in a 29 gallon tank.
Before I started my tank I would go down to my lfs and ask info. So I would know how to start one. And the guy at my lfs never told me I couldn't have that many fish in a 29 gallong tank. In fact now that I think of it before I made up my mind about having a 29 gallon I was thinking of only a 10 gallon and the guy told me I could have 4 fish in a 10 gallon. And so I thought If I could have 4 fish in a 10 gallon that I could have 4 fish for every 10 gallons and so if I got a 29 gallon I could have 12 fish. But now that I have talked to you guys I have learned differnt. and now I think that the guy at my lfs has lost his mind for telling I could have 4 fish in just a 10 gallon. I just got off the phone a few minutes ago with another FS and they told me I had to have 5 gallons of water for every inch of fish. I should have got info from them in the beginning and not from my lfs the other FS also told me I was wayyy over crowded with fish so now i know and I plan to give some of the fish back to my lfs If they will take them back.
Anyway's thank's for the great info :p