What is killing my reef?!?!!


Active Member
Have you inspected and cleaned the pumps recently to ensure they are in good shape?
(mind you, everything is just a random thought) :thinking:


One funny thing is Xenia on the back glass and overflow look as good as ever. Even on the main Xenia rock the melt down seems to be happening from the inside out.
I am not worried about losing the Xenia, I have more in the frag tank. Should I remove the rock on which the melt down it occuring?


I haven't cleaned the powerheads lately, but all are putting out a usual amount. Skimmer and sump are cleaned pretty often.


Do you still have your old bulbs?
I would recommend swapping abck to them. 3 months is about the right time for the wrong spectrum of light to really make an impact. It's only a theory and it's a loose one at that.
however, in my experience, Flour, halides, and any light that is trying to give off a designated spectrum of light is subject to flaws. I own a company that specializes in concert lighting and audio... we see alot of lamps and there is a given percentage of failure and fatigue. Unfortunately manufacturers don't always hit 100%.
I once got home 4 x 65 PCs all Actinic... fire them up and a spectrometer showed each had ALOT of variables... but put out spikes at the right level.
Just my 2 cents.
If you do check into this direction... don't disregard other possibilities. This is only a theory.


Active Member
Dang. That's just weird.
So...timeline here. Was the Xenia some of the first stuff to start looking bad? And you thought maybe the colt was the reason? Or did other things look bad, then progressively things like the Xenia, etc.
Xenia is such a strange thing because as you see it can do great and then melt...and do fine in some areas and not others. BUt if there is a significant amount of it and it starts dying.... :thinking:


The problem began, albeit alot less severe, before the bulb change. As a matter of fact about a week before. That was one reason I got new ones.


Active Member
hmmm yeah this is strange i cant figure it out what the prob can be.... ive only tried a few small frag of xenia given to me by a local reefer but they melted away i contributed it to my 660W of lighting on my 100 which 500W of it was Double ended MH so i figured they didnt like the switch from PC to my tank
i wasnt worried since they were free anyways


Around Christmas leathers stopped opening all the time. For days they would be OK then they would close for a few. Xenia was great, I cut 4-6 stalks every other week for trade. I had a huge colt, almost 2' x 2'. Since they are bad about chemical warfare I traded it in. Problem seemed better for about a week. Carbon seemed to help for a day or so but not long term.
Late Febuary a little cyno started to show up. I blamed a carpet anemone since it was the only big waste producer. I got rid of it about 2 weeks ago. A second reason was possible war between it and my BTA, which has done great and even split 6 weeks ago. Hair algae in the overflow came along with the cyno. Foxface would't let any grow in the display.
I ran phosban thinking it would get rid of any phosphate left after the anemone was gone. That was a week ago when things started goind down hill. I removed the phosban after 2 days and have been changing water like crazy (75g past 5 days) and running carbon since.


Ok, the tank looks a little better tonight. No further Xenia melt down (that I can see) over the last 20 hours. 1 leather that was closed is open, a few others just "look better". A little cyno has returned. Here are tonights test results before any water change.
PO4 0.5
alk 2.2
calcium 400
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
pH 8.2
salinity 35
temp 79.7
I read that a phosphate of greater than 0.3 was too high for a reef tank. Think this is it?


Well, give me a freakin dunce cap and sit me in a corner. PO4 of my R/O water is 1.5
My fuge must be working hard to keep it down to 0.5
Guess I'm off to go order all new filters!


i had the same problems with my zoos and my frogspawn and u know what the problem was...not enough iodoine...i started putting it in my tank and boom everything started opening back up...hope that helps.


Active Member
Didn't understand your train of thought on ophiura question on the whole xenia thing.
But, if the xenia started to melt first, it released a whole lot of junk back in the tank and all the rest of the corals went down down with the ship.
I don't mean to be redundant if that is what you meant with your post.
Water changes and lots-o-carbon would be best IMO. And every so often you need to weed out the xenia before it's starts melting. Just read a article in Aquarium Mag that states that is what xenia does, grows and dies, grows and dies....gotta keep it in check I guess.


I think the phosban killed the Xenia releasing lord knows what into the water.