What Is Miracle Mud

Just wondering what it is and were can I get it?
My LFS has a big tub were they put there live rock in, is it that mud on the bottom of the tank?


Active Member
I don't know where you can get it, just google search for it.
I doubt your LFS has Miracle Mud at the bottom of a tank that is just holding LR. From what I understand, the point of Miracle Mud is that it releases nutrients into the tank.

yosemite sam

Active Member
Miracle Mud is a mixture put in refugiums to help promote macro algae growth and in theory release stuff into the tank. Some people swear by it, many people don't use it. It's not something that you need to have to maintain a healthy tank.
I was just wondering cause I want to make a refugium, thats good for copepods other beneficial creatures and to keep the tanks stats down


Active Member
I would save yourself some money, and just use live sand to start out with. Then if you want to mess around / test miracle mud down the road go for it. Like sam said, it by no means is a need and you will do fine w/o it.

yosemite sam

Active Member
I just have a regular arragonite sand bed in my refugium. One of the problems with miracle mud is that is has to be replaced every so often, which makes a mess in your tank.


Active Member
I wish I could tell you what miracle mud is. Its a secret, all you apparently really need to know is that "it is a miracle" and it is "mud."
Stick with sand, IMO.


Active Member
No, because I won't pay an arm and a leg for a "miracle." Something medieval about that concept


Originally Posted by ophiura
I wish I could tell you what miracle mud is. Its a secret, all you apparently really need to know is that "it is a miracle" and it is "mud."
Stick with sand, IMO.
I have it in my refugium only because my LFS sold it to me as part of my system. The only thing I can say about it is black and very fine. So you have to watch your flow through it or there will be all kinds of black specs in your white sand . It must also contain iron because some of it will stick to a magnet. We all know that if you need your caulerpa to grow then dose high iron. I hope this helps. -David


Active Member
I would personally disagree on dosing Iron, or that you need it to grow caulerpa, but it is a personal preference for sure.
No thank you for the mud I would like to grow some chaeto or caulpera some way but not a way thatll might clog my pump or make my tank look uglier than what it look now haha but thanks for all the input guys.
Never put me down got to love the site and the people in it


Caulerpa growth is a natural Nitrate export. That's why farmers use ammonium nitrate fertilzers to help their crops grow....