What is my Brain doing??


i know i'm new but i havent seen a brain do this before. the other night it did it too and was more of a perfect semi-circle....can this be why they call them brain coral? the tank is only 16 days old and i am wondering if it is freaking out.


Active Member
To me, it looks like it is inflating. However, the only time I've seen a wellsophyllia inflate this much is when it detached from the skeleton. It is NOT a good idea at all to add fish let alone corals to a 16 day old tank! Best of luck to you and your coral.


Active Member
Its a very nice coral, Your tank fully cycled before u put that in right?
What Kind of Lights?


all levels went up good and came back to 0 before i put the corals in. i have a test kit for almost everything and all levels are right on. lighting is 150w HQI MH and 2 65W actinics and 2 moonlights. i asked a lfs what it was doing and they said they do that when they are healthy and happy. this was a different store than i bought it from. it looks like a brain when it does that. i was wondering since its called brain...and it looks like a brain when doing it....that it is supposed to do that. it has gone flat again after each time it does this. all the other corals i have in there (only a few) are opening up wider then i have seen them in the lfs.