What is my coral doing????

lady becca

I was watching my tank this evening, with just the actinic lights on, and noticed something.....
My fluorescent green favites coral started releasing a fluorescent green cloud!
What is it???
Did it spawn? or is it poison??
I also saw a peppermint shrimp under it, cleaning I think.
Any ideas?


Active Member
More than likely, it is expelling waste. I see mine doing it about once every week or week and a half. Have you fed it yet? How long has the coral been in your tank?

lady becca

We don't feed the corals. We have a really good friend that propagates all types of soft corals. He has 30,000 gal of saltwater in his place with all kinds of corals. He told us that he never feeds the corals, just the fish.
So we haven't feed any of our corals, or feather dusters.
We have had this guy for about 1 week.
We have had several corals that look absolutely marvelous and are growing well, and have never fed.
Oops, I hope I won't get yelled at :( .

nm reef

Active Member
You won't get "yelled" at...we try to prevent that sort of response around here.
Sounds like your coral is expelling waste...nothing major I'm sure.
I do know that my favia and favites both like a mild direct feeding now and then...both seem to respond real well. Lots of folks don't direct feed...but I believe it can be a positive means of insuring coral health. Try it...its not detrimental and may be beneficial.:cool:

the claw

Active Member
It was expelling waste or old Zoo....(can't spell this morning) Thats my vote anyway. Also, I tend to feed. It speeds up the growth process.