What is my new fish? Please help me ID


New Member
Bought a new fish guy at the FS says it's called a mini dolphin but I know it has to be something else. This is a saltwater fish but can not find it anywhere. But can not id it. It is in a hospital tanks for a while but is eating and getting along well but would like to know the fish id. I have attached a picture thanks for your help.


Wow, it looks see-through? Looks like some kind of wrasse, but I've never seen anything like it. Just a little FYI: don't get anything from your LFS unless you know what it is and can support it. And especially if they can't tell you what it is and how to take care of it.


New Member
I am not sure I just pulled up pictures of the cleaner wrass and I think my fish looks different. When I can I will get a full picture with his back end included.


New Member
Yeah I know I should make sure I know what it is. I looked for it in all the books at the store and could not find it. I made sure it was eating and looked good but can not make a possitive id. I know the name he gave it minuture dolphin can not be correct.


Go to the fish section on this website and look at the picture of the red sea cleaner wrasse... thats what it looks like to me?


Our own fish store here had one just like it. Although it was kept in the same area as the cleaner wrasses, this fish was about 8 inches long. I tried to find info on it while I was there, with no luck.
This fish was way larger than any cleaner I had ever seen.

Personally, I don't think it's a cleaner just based on it's size, but I don't really know how large cleaners get in the wild either.


It does look similar to a Red Sea cleaner, but they don't have a white under belly. How big is this fish? As Tizzo pointed out, cleaner wrasses do not get large. The Red Sea cleaner only grows to about 4-5 inches. Can you get a brighter picture of him?


New Member
Ok well I am not sure if it is a cleaner because of its size it is 7 inches and here is a better pic of it. It will make a nice addition to the show tank once it is out of the hospital tank.


Active Member
Possibly a pencil wrasse (genus Pseudojuloides) which I think are tough to keep. IMO it is not a cleaner wrasse.


Active Member
Looks like a cleaner wrasse from the gills back. The head is totally different. Almost more like some type of Tilefish.
Are you sure it's 7" long? Looks more like 3-4".
A big cigar is 6-7" long. Is it really that big? Just trying to help.


New Member
I just measured it and it is 7 inches long. our Coris Wrasse is about 5 1/2 and this has at least 2 inches on that one. Just curious to know what this fish is for sure. Thanks for all the help!
Missing since Nov. 2nd


OT, but I looked at the link in your sig. That's horrible. I hope Justin is found very soon.
I sent the link to Nancy Grace. Love her or hate her, her show reaches many people. I hope they will take a look and contact Justin's family and help somehow.


Okay does anyone else think how ridiculous it is to get a fish blindly. Do some research before you buy a fish. Proof in my point, if it is a cleaner it will die a pre-maturely. How much is that long blue thing in the window? It's $xx.xx. It looks good I'll take it. What is it? Who knows, but it's cool!!! Come on!!!! Tim


New Member
Originally Posted by forddna
OT, but I looked at the link in your sig. That's horrible. I hope Justin is found very soon.
I sent the link to Nancy Grace. Love her or hate her, her show reaches many people. I hope they will take a look and contact Justin's family and help somehow.

Thank you Forddna this is my son. We did go on Greta when he first went missing never thought we would still be doing this 6 months later. Thanks for contacting Nancy Grace for us.


Active Member
Hologymnosus Annulatus -- Ring or Ringed Wrasse
Grows to 16", and have quite an appetite, especially for other fish. Good call on the hospital tank. If housed with any small fish, they will most likely become food, just like any inverts (corals should be safe though). Only house with large fish, such as tangs, angels, triggers, etc, with a covered top.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Hologymnosus Annulatus
-- Ring or Ringed Wrasse
Grows to 16", and have quite an appetite, especially for other fish. Good call on the hospital tank. If housed with any small fish, they will most likely become food, just like any inverts (corals should be safe though). Only house with large fish, such as tangs, angels, triggers, etc, with a covered top.

I think that's the best match!


Active Member
Here are some pics of the Juvi stage (1st) and the adult. Note the color change that I should have mentioned earlier
. If you average the two, with your 7" sub-adult, should be dead-on.
