What is my Seabea Anenome doing?


I think it maybe dying
Some of the tenticles are shirking and it just doesn't look full. I've only had it a few days and thought maybe it needed some food. I feed it some froozen reef food I have with a turkey baster but the clowns just snatched it out. I then tried the sinking pellets but I think the clowns got most if not all. I tried the turkey baster with froozen food again and it sort of "grabbed" and curl up around it and the food disappeared so I think it got it.
It hasn't been long but it hasn't bushed back out and the tenticles are still small.
My lightings good and I tested the water and everythings ideal. This is my first saltwater tank but I've had different types of fish all my life and my brother did have a saltwater tank when we we're younger so I'm not totally new to it.
What is it doing? Is this normal? It looked real good last night before the lights turnned out.
how long has your tank been up? i have a sebae too, he was a lot of headaches when i first got him, got sucked into the powerhead 3 times. he would not foot for a few weeks. like he had a death wish. he is great now. a full 10in. when fully open. my clown loves him. they can be hard to care for. maybe he is just pooping. a pic would help.


The tank has been up for 2yrs however we just moved in three weeks ago and I had to do a full water change(Its was amzing anything was a live) I left the filters alone so that the bio would still be there and cycle the tank. The 4 fish that where in the tank to start with are still doing well and so the 3 new ones I got.
I changed the lights to what the store recommended for the anenome and it is attached it self to a rock at the bottom the first night and is still there.
I really hope its just pooping! It's about 6inches maybe?



Okay when I went to take a pic it looked a little better but not totally full and it has lifted a little from the rock
But this is what happened when I turnned the light out to see if I could get a better pic

When the light went on it went back to look like the first pic


Active Member
Mine is actually doing the same thing, except its hiding between 2 rocks, makes it impossible to feed. One clown i have is hosting a long tentacle anemone which is doing fine, however this one keeps moving from the front of the crack to the back and the fish seem to stay away from it. The cleaner shrimp goes ontop of it sometimes but that is about it. Ill take some pics.
Sorry SaltyJewell not trying to hijack your thread i just have a similar problem. He seems fine once the Daylight light is on for around 3 hours.
your sebae looks bleached should be more of a brown color try getting it closer to the lights. mine does the same when i turn out my lights as well. give it time i think it will be ok.


Active Member
my sebae does the exact same thing every day when the lights go off too. and sometimes they will shrivel up to get rid of waste my LFS said