What is on my clown


Active Member
I'm not 100% sure that it is ick. If it is ick, you have a few options. The fact that you have corals makes them much harder. The best you can do (IMO, wait for more to see what they say) is to take the rock and coral out and do hyposalinity on the tank. Hyposalintiy is the process of slowly lowering the salinity to about 1.009, this is the only proven method to kill ick. Do a search on these forums to learn more about hyposalinity.


Active Member
Ick is not dangerous to corals, but some say that some phase of ick can live in a coral or near it and not affect it.


1.009 is way to low :yes: ive heard from the pros on here.1.016 would be the lowest and use copper treatment its the best. ive tryed them all them ick treatments and found out copper worked the best.. use copper in a hospitality tank with no corals or inverts. i would also for now on soak your food in garlic :yes: ,it helps keep fishes immune sytem up


philgmiami said:
1.009 is way to low :yes: ive heard from the pros on here.1.016 would be the lowest and use copper treatment its the best. ive tryed them all them ick treatments and found out copper worked the best.. use copper in a hospitality tank with no corals or inverts. i would also for now on soak your food in garlic :yes: ,it helps keep fishes immune sytem up QUOTE]
Copper is toxic to Percs, so i wouldnt use it.
I saw first hand success with a lifeguard UV sterilizer in my friend's tank. All the fish had ich, then I told him to try hooking the UV again and within a week, the ich was gone. Im pretty sure it killed the "larval" stage of the ich's lifecycle.
A freshwater dip might work too, but be very very careful, and learn how to do it first!!


as far as garlic goes, can I simply use garlic juice. I have a big bottle of diced garlic in my fridge that has juice in it. If so, how much do I use? 55 gallon


Active Member
If you ever want to have corals or invertebraes or anemones all pour in medicines are a no/no. The ones that actulley work contain copper, and any level of copper kills anemones in seconds same with inverebraes and corals.


so I would have to put the fish in a container and then catch them and dip them and then redeposit them into the tank?


Active Member
I haven't freshwater dipped in a while, but you just get some freshwater, buffer it to the correct pH (matching your tank) and put them in for like 5 min, or as long as they can take it, what ever comes first. They will act weird while they are in it, fast breathing, laying on side, etc.. I'm not 100% sure if thats the correct procedure so wait for more responses.


I would not suggest pouring garlic juice into your tank.
Garlic is used to help raise the immune system of fish, and to do that, it has to be ingested. You should start putting your fish food in a small bowl with a small amount of garlic for 10-15 minutes prior to feeding the fish. The food will absorb some of the garlic, then you can feed your fish the food.
I am not sure what is in your tank, but if you have any inverts (snails, shrimp, coral, etc.) then hypo in your main tank is not an option, as this will kill the incerts. Also, as stated, copper is not an option.
I disagree though with some of the posts, there are some reef safe products that you can put in your main tank that do not contain copper. I am sure a search if you search the diease forum you can get some good answers.


Active Member
Yes, but out of all of those. Not one worked for my 75 gallon FOWLR that i wouldn't use copper on because I had an anemone in it.


i dont know if any1 said this yet put dont cleaner shrimp kill ich? i read it some where i thought or something


Active Member
Some times if you get like 4 cleaner shrimp they can jump on the fish and clean him of ich completly. But not always