What is on my clown


Here is what is in my tank

2 Clowns
1 Longnose Hawkfish
1 YT Damsel
1 Yellow Tang
1 Coral Beauty
1 BiColor Angelfish

Fiji Polyps
Flame Polyps
Golden Polyps
Yellow Leather
Cats Eye Bubble
Candy Coral
Leather Toadstool


A Clown will actually allow a shrimp to jump on his back and clean him?
What are the chances of this spreading to my other fish? How do I cure my entire tank?


Active Member
Yes that is exactly what cleaner shrimps do!! Havent you seen Finding Nemo?? If you have, remember Jacques?
-Adam :happyfish


Active Member
the pics are a bit fuzzy but the fish seem to have a film of white with spots . might want to look into velvet as well


Ok... take the infected fish out of your tank.... put the in QT. this can spread to other fish if there imune system is not a strong. while the fish are in qt run hypo. for about 4-6 weeks... and thats it!


also look into a product from Kent called Zoe. you should soak all fish food in this. it's kinda like vitamins for you fish and helps build there immune system


I may be wrong here, but you can't hypo your display because of the inverts...it will kill them. I keep seeing that advice on this thread, but to be clear, inverts (corals) cannot handle slainity fluctations - basically it will kill your coral.
However, I agree I would put your fish in a hospital tank, and treat them there with hypo. After about 4-6 weeks the ich in your display tank in larvae stage should be completely eliminated due to lack of hosts (ie - no fish) and then you will have a clean display,a nd can return your healthy fish.
I am not sure what size tank you have, but looking at the fish list you have alot of fish. I know you said that your water was pristine, but please understand one of the major contributors to ich is stress...and for fish that can come from overstocking. depending on the size of your tank, you may seriously want to consider removing some fish, otherwise this ich issue might continue to happen.
Again, I would search the disease forum for better information, there are some very knowledgeable people that post there. (Beth)


I just bought some reef safe stuff called Kick Ich. I hope that works. However, when looking today there didnt seem to be 1/3 of the white spots on them. Maybe it was mostly air bubbles on them? Who knows. I am going to try this stuff though.


Staff member
Can you describe those spots? Do they look like the fish has been sprinkled with salt?
You can not use copper in a tank with inverts, live rock.


I also have two perc's, after about 4 months of being fine in the tank they developed ick. I took the fish out of the tank & treated them with copper & melaflex which is an antibiotic that helps them recover. I even found that after about 11/2 weeks the spots were gone so I put the fish back in the tank, within just a couple of days the spots were back. I had to end up taking them back out of the tank & kept them in quarantine for 30 days. I didn't have any other fish in the tank at the time so the ick didn't have any other fish to host on & died. After the 30 days was up the fish went back into the tank and all was fine. Talk about 2 happy little fish!! I don't know about anyone else but this method worked for me.


Active Member
if you raise your temp to 82, and add some garlic extreme to your food that works i did that once when my blue hippo got ich and it went away in a few days
Also you should get a UV sterilizer id say 25 watt and get the water flowing through it at about 100 gph or less and that will kill the free floating ich.
IT worked for me... :jumping:


i've used kick ich... be prepared for an ugly tank and 2 full treatments.... it'll take 3 weeks or so to clear up with that stuff.... water quality will be poor, tank will look very gloomy and murky.


Active Member
all of those things are snake oils. aka they dont work. best thing to do is keep perfect water quality and watch the fish, i've never lost a fish to ich and i've never done anything other then maintain perfect water quality, ich comes from stress ...if you resolve the stress issue...then your ich is gone.


New Member
mite be off topic but my clowns had the same thing an they jus floated to the bottom an jus layed there for a coulple of months then they died


Active Member
I love to read through a post and find a ton of advice. Then after all is said and done and people have wasted their time. The person goes and does the easiest most ineffective response to a situation. Look at how many people suggested hypo in a QT. After all is said and done about how bad additives are for tanks they are still being used. There were at least three options mentioned that would have had a great result with a little time and patience. If people are going to own fish and corals and LR and Inverts then there should be a responsability to the animals in the environment. If your dog had worms and someone had a cheap easy remedy that other people told you was very ineffective would you use it. Look I know they are just mindless little fish but you are wasting money and abusing the hobby by lowering the standard that so many people ascribe to. Good luck with the KickIch and look forward to other issues that will result in death and eventually your exit from the hobby. You didnt even get into more detail about why your fish is getting ich. Whatever... This is boring me.


Active Member
little harsh, but true...those chemicals are snake oils..they dont work...if you maintain perfect water quality and remove what ever is stressing the fish, and they'll be fine....ich is like our flu...it lives in us...so there is no truely getting rid of it...its just making it go dormat.