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what are some of the ways you can assure a breakdown of ozone through your setup?
Sorry I missed your post earlier.
Ozone is an allotrope of oxygen. It's basically 3 oxygen atoms bonded together. In short, ozone is o3 rather than the usual o2. The atomic bond that forms ozone is very weak, and basically falls apart on it's own. When it does, you are left with regular oxygen or o2, which is obviously perfectly healthy to your livestock.
Ozone cannot persist in the environment for long. This why ozone must be generated at the point of use. It cannot be bottled or stored, it would break down by the time it was used.
All you have to do is increase the amount of time that passes before the water that has had ozone added to it reaches the DT. If you inject into your skimmer, if the skimmer dumps back into a sump before returning to the DT, it is entirely unlikely that much if any ozone will remain in the water by the time it gets to the DT. Agitation of water, such as what return pumps and inflows provide, will speed the breakdown. However, an HOB skimmer with ozone injection being performed is a different story, that would be a much riskier setup because the water is in the DT almost immediately after going through the skimmer.
Some ozone getting back to the DT is not going to hurt anything. You don't have to be assured of it being completely broken down, you just need to minimize it. Ozone is like Co2. Certain amounts have no health consequences, but high enough levels are toxic.
Again, it comes down to proper application. If you go crazy and introduce hoards of ozone, it may not all break down in time. If you introduce a proper dosage, you'll be fine. An ORP meter or controller is the only way to know if you are doing too little, too much, or not enough.