What is safe to put with these


We have a humu humu, Porcupine Puffer, and Chocolate Chip Starfish. I would like suggestions on what we can put in here without them eating each other. Thanks
I almost forgot we also have an anemone the clownfish didn't make it...not sure why everything with the tank seemed fine but him....my husband decided to buy the humu humu yesterday so now I dont know what to put with him


How big is your tank? That way I can give you better advice because there are lots of fish that can go with your current list... large angels, tangs, wrasses, another trigger, etc.. But it depends how big your tank is.


Currently we have a 55 gal tank. Hope to get a bigger one some day but wont be anytime soon due to the house we are in. The orig plan was 125 gal but couldn't get it downstairs. Thanks for the help


Well, the porcupine puffer with outgrow your 55gal and fast. These fish get very big and they're fast growers. The humu is a slow grower so it'll be fine in your tank for a long time.
So for your tank, you can get a dwarf angel like the flame angel or coral beauty. One of the smaller wrasses would be ok too. No lion fish with your humu. You can get a foxface, but get a small one. A snowflake eel might be ok too. A pair of gold striped maroon clowns would be ok and they'll love your anemone. But really, a 55gal is too small of a tank for agressive fish.


We had plans for a bigger tank that we couldnt get into the basement due to the way the steps are made. Hopefully we can work out the bigger tank in the next 6 months. Thanks for the help


You mentioned a pair but looking at the description on the site it says only one should be kept in the tank? Is it safe for me to put two in there? I had a clown fish previously that died and I'm not sure why...that was prior to buying the humu. I have pics of the clown and anemone that we had I will try to post soon. We still have the anemone which at the moment I can't find in the tank which is odd....

small triggers

Active Member
i agree with the maroon clown pair,,,, i have one,, and they are in with my very agressive fish and do really well. All of your fish will def. need a bigger tank, so hopefully youll be able to figure that out. ( since you have a basement you could always do pier supports under wherever you are putting the larger tank)