tank has been up since december. The PH is 8.2, ammonia 0, nitrate 5-10 and nitrite 0. Temp is kept at 80. It's a 90 gallon with a sand base and over 60 lbs of live rock. I have a wet/dry filter system, protein skimmer, 2 powers heads on opposite sides and a bubbler behind a big rock.
Live stock that is in there right now is 20+ snails, 5 mexican turbo snails, 2 cleaner shirmp, 3 peppermint shrimps and several hermit crabs. A black clown, a Perc clown and a royal gramma. The yellow tang and the singapore angel are in quarentine for what could be a bacteria infection and the 3 blue-yellow tailed damsels are in the prison tank for biting me and mistreating their tank mates. Nasty little buggers!
I took all the live rock and coral out last night to catch the damsels and the 2 bigger guys. The other 3 fish stayed in there. I replaced the water which I'd removed to cover the rock and put it back and it was pretty clear this morning.
Last night the SG was 1.022-1.023. I will see how the mushroom looks tonight but it is a recent addition and has been in there less than a week.