What is so special about "C"?


Sometimes I get fed up with all these rules in the English language! Somebody please tell me why "i" has to go before "e", except after "C". It sounds exactly the same either way! Why is "C" sooooooo special that we have to change around letters. Why can't it be "i" before "e", except after "Z". Now "Z" is kinda special, hell, we rarely ever use it anyway. I'm frustrated because I just realized that I misspelled a word in another thread........Protein!........WHY IS THE "I" AFTER THE "E" IN THAT WORD?????? I guess the dang rule should be "i" before "e" except after "c"....and in protein. I don't know!!!!:mad:
Now that I think about it....:thinking: ......Why do we park on driveways, and drive on parkways?:D


Active Member
Don't feel bad. I do it constantly, I can never ever remember where the i goes. I always spell Their ,Thier. Gotta love that college education! Drives me crazy. I always keep a word processing program open so I can type in words and then spell check them lol!


Active Member
i'd like to know who made that rule... who made any of the rules? if it can get the message across... isn't that enough!


Thank you!.....glad to hear that I'm not the only one. I'm gonna be a rebel, and start spelling protein...PROTIEN!.......:thinking: naaaaaa....it looks too funny that way.
Now that I think about it....why does sour cream have an expiration date? Does it go good? These things really make me wonder.........


Active Member
and its really bad when you have to teach its to your kids.
I have found myself wanting to say..........."thats JUST THE WAY IT IS" :scared:

sinner's girl


If I remember correctly, there is more to the rule than i" before "e" except after "c;" of course I don't remember the rule.
no one made up this rules. That's just the way the word evaled. that's how people spelled them. When it came time to teach others others how spell, "they" looked at the langauge and came up with rules that could be used to teach it.
I always spell their wrong too. I always have to go back and change it. Very annoying.


whenever i write "its" or "it's", i always have to double check to make sure im saying "it is" or possessive:rolleyes:
very annoying:D


Active Member
C is the best letter of all!!! :D
but i will agree the I before E thing is confusing cuz sometimes, its not (like in budweiser like mentioned) :confused: