what is that


We have a thing in our tank that has two black eyes and lots of tenticles and i was woundering if it could be a squid


OK my sons posted this so let me clarify and give more info.
On my LR there are these animals with multiple long extendable white almot transparent tenecles. If you look in the LR to the source of the tenacles you can see a white body that opens up to reveal tenacles. Above the thicker white body opening with the tenacles are two black dots that appear to be eyes.
The tenecles search the rock and pull in particles. Then every no and again the critter will spit out a bunch of dusty stuff.
Any ideas? My kids think they look like miniture squid, but I hace never seen them out of the rock and neither have they, but from what we do see they look like squid embedded in the rock.
Thanks gang!!


Active Member
those are albino (small tiny and colorless) brittle stars!! :D
these guys will begin to migrate to your sand thus seeding your sand bed.
I like to take a flash light after the tank lights have been off for about 30 minutes and watch creatures like this foraging around the sand bed looking for food.
Congrats on your Live Rock selection - sounds like its full of cool things!!

nm reef

Active Member
From the description it sounds like speghiti(SERIOUSLY SIC) worm.....body will be in the LR and multiple tentacles will sweep in search of food....harmless and a positive addition to your system.:cool:


OMG, whatever it was a crab just plucked it out of it's place and ate it, boo hoo!!! There are others but that bugger ate the body of the biggest and left a tangled mass of wigglys on the rock below :(