What is the advantage of buying fish that are a "pair"


Is there a difference between fish that come as a pair than a mated pair ?
also what benefits do you get by buying fish that are pairs ? and why are they so expensive..for example 2 clown fish false percs at my LFS are $30 but a mated pair is $120..??but forget clownfish I;m asking about other fish that are pairs first what does it mean second whats the advantage and thirdly why so expensive..?If anyone could shed some light on this matter that would be great

keith burn

Active Member
(pair)Fish that are the same species male and female and cohabitate peacefully in the same tank.
(mated) the same as paired but are reproducing.
(Why are they so expensive)The fish decide if they pair and if they mate, not us.
If they do not like each other, they may kill one another. So the lfs may pay the price in the number of fish that die trying to pair them up.
You can try to pair your fish and gamble if that will happen or not and hopefully save the money.


I have 2 clown fish that are paired they get along great so far 6 months and they host an anemone will they mate ?


I bought them for $24 for the 2 when the store had a huge sale....They immidiately paired and are beautiful to watch.. they were not a "maited pair" just a pair...whatver that means...either way they both help the anemone host it and help eachother and have been thriving for a while. I belive the anemone helps them live longer and disease free. *


yeah.. never heard of those artists...is there any proven theories that music makes fish healthier ? would heavy rock be bad for them would classical be good for them any data ?

salty blues

Active Member
I have a pair of false percs I bought about a year ago when I started SW. They get along fine. Sometimes the smaller one does a shimmy dance around the larger. Very amusing.


Originally Posted by SH2000
I bought them for $24 for the 2 when the store had a huge sale....They immidiately paired and are beautiful to watch.. they were not a "maited pair" just a pair...whatver that means...either way they both help the anemone host it and help eachother and have been thriving for a while. I belive the anemone helps them live longer and disease free. *
wow,great deal man...in NY they sell pair for 75 [small size] and $200 for gold stripe clownf


Keith was kidding about the music and the candles. The fish doing a little "dance" is what you want. Is the tank that these two are going into very low stock? If not then it is unlikely that they will actually spawn, they may become a pair though.


they were a pair in the 55 for months with about 8 fish now they will be a pair in 5 weeks in the 120 with 10 other fish.


No i'm not kidding and i also do not know what a tadpole is. i was born in 84 i dont know those artists nor am i familliar witha ny of thier work.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by SH2000
No i'm not kidding and i also do not know what a tadpole is. i was born in 84 i dont know those artists nor am i familliar witha ny of thier work.
I am so old IMG i must fart dust ...38 so old.
OK just got told 80's music in now oldies so i see 38 is old as dust...