What is the best algae remover?


Im starting to get that red slime or hair algae in patches in my tank and i want to get rid of it asap. Please help open to all suggestions
thanks, Alex


How long has the tank been up and running? If it is a newly cycled tank, time works best. If the tank has been up for a long time, maybe test the water and see what is different to cause the blooms of cyano and hair algea.
Do you use R/O water? How often do you feed? Amounts of food?


if it's established you ought to cut down on feeding and cetch up on water changes probably IMO


I had an outbreak and I tried everything but it kept showing up and spreading, well on this site I learned about "Red Slime Remover" and it worked great!! Everyone that I have read that used it has talked about how great it is and I will agree with them.
It is Reef Safe and I testify to it. I had no side effects at all. I have a BTA and a Clam. I also have a Kenya Tree, Yellow Polyps, Green Star Polyps, Brain Coral, Xenia, and a Hammer coral and I had no side effects.
Also I have Hermit crabs, a Cleaner shrimp, 2 P. Clowns, and a Royal Gramma.
All is fine and I have no Red Slime Algae


I also have used it and it does work well
but for my use I had to use a tad more than the dir recomended
about a 1/4 of the container more than dir
but I wonder now if I never even needed it at all


I had it in my last tank. I switched to my own RO/DI water filter, added more flow (yes a simple power head placed in the right spots does work). And yes cut down on the food. It (the red slime beast) went away!



I switched to my own RO/DI water filter, added more flow (yes a simple power head placed in the right spots does work). And yes cut down on the food. It (the red slime beast) went away!
That is great!!! Best solution possible!

I say this because you identified the problem and corrected it with a change in habit(feeding too much/often) and added needed equipment (RO/DI, better flow) which the entire aquarium benefited from without resorting to the "quick fix/ magic potion" cure most folks resort to.
I'm not bashing folks who rely on additives, but MOST problems of this sort are easily fixed by better tank management and proper attention to water quality.
Well done, toungetwster!!



Thank You ....Thank You....Thank You..Very Much :cheer: