What is the best Clown fish?


Active Member
I would like to have a pair of two beautiful clownfish in my tank but what, in your opinion, is a good easy to take care of an such for my 50 gallon tank?


Active Member
it comes down to what you're looking for in temperament and coloring. i love my GSM's but they tend not to play nicely with others and because of this i have to be careful what i put in the tank with them, including my hands :D


Active Member
Including your hand? Wow, I never knew they were that aggresive. They look so peaceful at the LFS......however, now that I mention it, damsels look pretty calm in there too!!

bang guy

I received a pair of GSM early this month (for breeding purposes). They came with a Sebae Anemone but they immediately jumped into my Rose BTA. I reached in to remove the BTA and the female bit a chunk out of my thumb and fed it to the Anemone...


Active Member
Originally posted by Bang Guy
[Bfemale bit a chunk out of my thumb and fed it to the Anemone... [/B]

i wouldnt want to be that anemone*BARF*
I have a pair of choc. occellaris that are pretty cool. I put my hand in the tank and they just keep on keepin on, although I have herd that they do get aggressive. by the way thats an impressive bite for a little clown.


New Member
Hi I think that tomato clown fish are the best because they go in lots of different anenomies also if you want your clown fish to swim in an anenome you should definately buy the clown fish with the anenome that way you can be surew the clownfish willl like the anenome
My clown fish goes no where nea5r the anenome


Active Member

Originally posted by lionfish12
I love my tomato clonwn i have for well over 30-40 weeks. Still 1''

Still so small...:nope: :nope: :nope: