What is the best live rock?


I have heard that Fiji rock is the best. Is that just a personal opinion from someone or does it provide better bio filtration. Or, does it just look better?


i WOULDNT SAY fIGI IS the best bio filtration,, nor would i say it looks the best. I do know it is very common, and relativley cheap. Probably the cheapest, but im not saying bad.
When choosing LR,, you want to consider the density of the rock and usually want porouse rock, meaning little holes all over the rock. This is good because the water circulates better in an aquarium. I personally have nambu LR and branch rock... Perfect for my FOWLR tank because water is constantly moving throughout the tank and can circulate, which doesnt leave me with many DEAD spots. Hope this helps,,, BYE


Active Member
I'm a huge fan of Marshall Island due to its unique looks. Figi isn't bad at all, just not the best IMO.


Excellent Ill check it out. I keep seeing IMO. What is IMO?
Originally Posted by airforceb2
I'm a huge fan of Marshall Island due to its unique looks. Figi isn't bad at all, just not the best IMO.


Active Member
Id say there is no best live rock. I think its personal preference. I went with Tonga rock. Eventually ill add some different rock.