What is the BEST Skimmer for a 110gal. REEF Tank???


Active Member
I can't afford one right this minute, so I am saving up for a fully functional skimmer that will be long lasting and efficent for the duration of my reef.
Any suggestions?
Any pics, of skimmers and plumbing would be much appriciated.
It will be going into my sump or at least in my tank stand.


Active Member
Depends on what you want to spend.....If your looking for a needlewheel style skimmer you can't go wrong with an ASM skimmer will give you the same quality as an expensive EuroReef skimmer and the same mods can be done to the ASM as the Euro, and the good thing......You'll have extra money left over to buy other goodies.....If your looking at Becketts the field is wide open....MRC, Barrs. I like the Barrs alittle more than MRC.....Can't go wrong with a beckett style skimmer if your looking for raw skimming power.....I also forgot to mention the Geo needdlewheel skimmers also another awesome piece of equipment

nm reef

Active Member
acrylic51 offered some excellant options.
Personally I use a EuroReef CS6-2 but I've installed several ASM skimmers on my clients systems....they are very decent skimmers in my opinion.


Active Member
Thanks for the options. I am not too familiar with the others listed by acrylic51, but i do know the ASM and Euro Reef, which size would be sufficient for my 110 with both of those brands?


Active Member
acrylic51 which size should I go for then? If your think, and I agree, that Euro's too expensive what should be the other option other than ASM. I would like to keep around the 3-4 hundred dollar range.


I use an ETSS Reef Devil and this thing foams like mad....it is very impressive on the foam build up. The good thing about DOWNDRAFT skimming is there is nothing that is causing the bubbles to exist. No pinweel to break, no air pumps or Venturi to dial in. It is simply done on water pressure, which is what I like. Also it will not overskim....atleast mine has not.
Now the bad news is, the cards shuffle both ways. Because there is nothing other than water pressure building the foam...this foam can be lost during feeding or drastic temp changes in the room or even putting your hands in the tank. With the needle wheel,or pin wheel...you will always have foam and the possibility of overskimming into the cup.
Its really a matter of preference. Next tank I get will be a 210gl and a Euro-reef CS12-1 will run it.


Originally Posted by acrylic51
Hey NM can you actually justify the cost difference between the Euro's and the ASM's?
I agree. I dont understand why you would spend 100s more for almost the same thing....


Originally Posted by djevack
I agree. I dont understand why you would spend 100s more for almost the same thing....
Well i do not own one.....but I will soon! What is the difference???? There must be one other wise it would not be a $400.00 cost difference. I hear the Euro is made a lot better constuction wise. :thinking:


Active Member
Really needlewheels are very durable and rarely have breakage on the pins......Becketts are true raw skimming machines that can be very erradic as suggest by the comment on the downdraft skimmers....All skimmers will suffer a bit when feeding and such, but becketts can be real touch......
To be totally honest the EuroReef isn't any better of a skimmer other than the quality of the material they use to build them out of and for some people I guess it makes them happy to drive an expensive skimmer to make up for other things :thinking: Why the heck pay 100's more when you can get the same skimming power for less and have money to spend elsewhere on your tank????? :scared: If you want a real skimming mad house check out myreefcreations becketts or Barrs as well....If you go to myreefcreations site and check out their biggest beckett skimmer I would almost put a paycheck the biggest Euro wouldn't hold $$$$$$ to it
I'm not knocking the Euro, but lets put things into perspective your paying for fancy acrylic that's behind closed doors.......
Honestly if your looking for a good skimmer on a good budget you can't go wrong with ASM....Geo's are super nice, but will cost you alittle more, and Becketts will cost you more energy wise, and can be noisey, but really skim, but need to be tinkered with to keep them tuned as to a needlewheel which is more plug and play or set and forget about which is nice if you have a busy schedule.....I'm still torn between Beckett or needlewheel for myself on my new setup....Easy of use or raw power?????????? :thinking: I'm still leaning needlewheel, because at times just don't have the time to tinker, but it might not be as bad as what some say.....
Again do some research outside of here go to other sites and forums and get outside information as well, and if you get a chance go see these babies in action......But $ for $ ASM is probably your best cheapest bet


Do you run an ASM???? If so what are the pro's and con's??? Also I checked out the MRC and I have never heard of them before...do you know someone with one????
Also I watched the video and i must say I am some what of a skeptic...only because I saw the ETSS pictures, and there skimmer in the picture pulled like a gallon of black skimmate in 48hrs and I have not seen that much in 1 month?


Originally Posted by Lubeck
I think i am going to go with the ASM G-3, I could fit the G-4 but it would be tight.

the g3 would be fine, the g4 would be overkill. it wont hurt, just a waste of money and energy

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
Hey NM can you actually justify the cost difference between the Euro's and the ASM's?
Not really...the major difference between them is the higher quality materials used to construct the EuroReef...the ASM design is the same with less solid materials. The EuroReef was purchased for my system before I was aware of the ASM line....if I had to purchase a new skimmer for myself I'd likely choose a different model.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crzyfshygy
Do you run an ASM???? If so what are the pro's and con's??? Also I checked out the MRC and I have never heard of them before...do you know someone with one????
Also I watched the video and i must say I am some what of a skeptic...only because I saw the ETSS pictures, and there skimmer in the picture pulled like a gallon of black skimmate in 48hrs and I have not seen that much in 1 month?
You need to check out more skimmers.....MRC (MY Reef Creations) has been around awhile and his skimmers are top quality, and so are his other products....I've seen both skimmer types in action. You should check out myreefcreations site.....You'll be rather impressed


Active Member
That is a problem with the ETSS.....Alot of people give the skimmers up.....The ETSS you really can't compare to the MRC or Barrs skimmers.......IMO 2 different classes all together. Kinda like comparing and Prism skimmer to an Aqua C


Originally Posted by acrylic51
That is a problem with the ETSS.....Alot of people give the skimmers up.....The ETSS you really can't compare to the MRC or Barrs skimmers.......IMO 2 different classes all together. Kinda like comparing and Prism skimmer to an Aqua C
What is a Becketts head?????? If these skimmers are so great (MRC) why are they using some one else's design with the becketts. I am not trying to be mean...I am just asking. On there web-site, it does not say what type of skimmer it is. Is it downdraft????