What is the best snail for eating hair algae?


Active Member
Hmmm I have mexican turbos... they do nothing for my hair algae... I read they are hit or miss. However a sure thing is the Zebra Striped Snail, a turbo cousin but different species. Turbos are well... Turbo sp. and Zebra Striped are Trochus sp. I dont know why one is better than the other at hair algae specifically I just read in numerous places they are the desired species for that type of algae.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
I have astraeas, nass, and cerith and am having a hair algaea problem.
You might have more of a cladophora problem (very similar to bryopsis) if your clean up crew isn't taking care of it. You can google it, but the only thing I found that eats it is Sailfin Tangs. Then again, I didn't want to put an urchin or sea hare in my tank.


Active Member
There are also studies that show an increase in Magnesium resulted in correction the outbreak. From normal levels of 1250 or so to 1500 to 1800. The cons to this method is there are some inverts that cannot tolerate a magnesium level that high and you may end up killing them. Depending on how bad your situation is might determine if you would rather do nothing and stand losing a coral or try that method and stand losing some inverts. I personally have never done it but I have read about it.


Active Member
when I first added my CUC my astraeas cleared all of the rocks of hair algae. Now they arent eating it and its growing all over their shells. Are mexican turbos a colder water species?

coral keeper

Active Member
I had a mexican turbo snail and it took down all my hair algae. Took about 1 month to take it all down(the hiar algae) and I never helped the turbo. Here are a few VERY VERY old before and after pictures with the turbo. Picture #1 is when I just bought the turbo snail. Picture #2 is a month later. Its a 8 gallon bio cube BTW.



I just bought some mexican turbos two days ago. I wish i'd tried these guys long ago. I can't believe how much hair algea they ate in two days. my overflow vents on my 90 gal. were jammed packed two days ago. now there clean as a whistle. I put one on a powerhead that was loaded with algea. one hour later is was as clean as could be. I spent a lot of money fighting hair algea for about 6 months now. nothing really worked. I hesitated buying turbos before because they were suposed to be hit or miss. maybe the ones they usesd were not real mexican turbos. all I know is the ones I got are absolutely unbelievable hair algea eaters and I highly recomend them.


Active Member
when it comes to eating hair algae, just about everything is hit or miss, you never know exactly. (except a sea hare, they'll always eat it)