What is the best Tang?


New Member
Hi, I have had a 120 gallon saltwater fishtank for about 6 months. I would like to put several tangs in it, but i'm not sure which ones to get. I want several of the heartier ones because I have not been doing this for long, and I don't want ones that die? Does anyone have suggestions?


get a yellow tang hippo tang sailfin tang and a clown tang those are awesome very hardy tangs great ones for begginers


Active Member
I don't know..I love them all. hippo, yellow, naso, kole, and I have a tang I'm not sure of the name of telmagi? something like that, so beautiful. My favorite is the naso tang, either plain or blonde...they are beautiful, hardy, and nice to everybody in the tank!


Whoa, clown tangs are hardy? Not in this lifetime, they are normally considered expert only. It also won't work well in a 120. Naso's are really nice and fairly hardy, but you can't keep it in a 120 when it is full grown.
Yellow tangs, kole tangs, scopas, sailfin, and hippo tangs are some of the easier ones. I wouldn't really consider any tang hardy though. If you get a tang, I recommend treating it with hypo while it is in quarantine.


Active Member
Tangs which are considered "hard" are powder blues, achilles, clowns. They require alot of space expertly clean water conditions, and are finiky eaters. Clowns I think live off of micro algae and don't eat much of anything else...Tangs in general are not the easiest fish to keep. I wouldn't try it without r/o water, a large protein skimmer, Probably also a chiller, and a UV.....just my opinion though.


Active Member
I have a sailfin, a hippo, a unicorn, scopus and lined eyed sergeon.my best one is my unicorn but will require a very large tank as an adult aslo true for the lined eye both reach 24 in


hey man not to rain on your parade but you might want to rethink putting several tangs in a 120 gallon tank right now i have a pbt and a regal in a 125 and their doing alright for now but that pbt runs the tank and when the regal gets bigger i'll probably have to get rid of one of them just something to think about


If his tank is 6 foot, I'd say he could keep 2 tangs (none that get over a foot in length max) in there with no problems.


New Member
I'm no the expert here, but I have had a yellow tang for 4 years that has survived 3 moves of the tank and all the stress that creates. I quess all depends on the individual fish, but my yellow tang is not at all aggresive (he actually seemed to defend new additions from my yellow tail damsel), survives even when the going gets tough and outlived my damsel!
From mine and other friends experience, a yellow tang is relatively easy to care for, but can be (according to others, I have never experienced this) aggresive a times.
As far as multiple at one time, defer to others experience.
Good luck!


all say clown tangs are hard i don't consider myself an expert at any rate yet mine hasbeen doing great since day 1 heres a pic sorry cell phone pic...


reeftank27: Your clown tang looks very tiny. With time comes aggression and need for extra space. How long have you had yours? You've probably only had yours for a month or 2. That isn't sufficient time to tell if it is doing well or not. My LFS had a Moorish Idol for 4 months before it died on them and it never ate once.


about 4 months i could find the recipept he eats everything i stick in the tank from dried sea weed to mysis... he has grown about an inch since i got him. only thing is i have a flame angel slightly larger than him an they go back an forth but never really fighting.


i have a yellow eyed tang that i have had in my 60 gal. reef for alittle over a year and he is great. he hasnt got much bigger then when i got him(maybe a inch or 2). i think that they are a very hardy tang, i have had a couple of them in different tanks over the years.
i wouldn't recommend putting more then one tang in a tank together, they tend to fight with eachother (they do if they are the same shape).


I have a clowntang and a sailfin my sailfin is very tough it use to be pick on all the time and hes still here we got rid of the fish that picked on him. the clown tang i have never gets picked on so they are both pretty hardy in my experience. good luck when u pick ur tang !