What is the best thing to feed inverts if


your fish are out of the tank???
My fish are in hyposalinity right now. I have an orange linkia, 2 horseshoe crabs and several hermit crabs. Since the fish are out, I am concerned about what to feed them.
Any suggestions???


Active Member
I have a similar question: specifically what should I feed a red general starfish, and how do I feed it. Won't the other fish in the tank eat up all the food before the starfish can get to it? Thanks expert fish people.


the detritus which is the uneaten food. That is why they are cleaners. My starfish will hang out on the glass and the rocks. The horseshoe crabs clean the sand bed. The problem that I have is that my fish are out of the tank, so I am wondering if I should keep putting flakes in and let them float to the bottom.
What do the experts out there think????


Active Member
Horseshoe crabs eat the critters in your sand bed - so it will most likely starve regardless of what you try to feed it. I have read/heard of them eating some mysid/brine shrimp. But they need a huge Deep Sand Bed in a large tank to rummage around in .....
For Starfish?? Don't know - would try some krill placed right in reach of their arm. Do a search as this question has come up quite often on the board!!


I think that it may find plenty of critters to eat. It seems like it eats the left over fish flake and pellet. The starfish looks like it might have eaten a little bit of shrimp.