whats your SG at???: i don't know what sg is
My tank is a 45 gallon, i have four fish an eel , 20 hermit crabs some snails and just recently lost two flame scallops. i could possibly be over feeding and i'm sure the whole ich treatmen thing did them in. the big water change i am talking about was like half one day and then three or four days later, we switched anoher half. this tank has been setup since christmas. i have also ordered all fish through swf.com and everything was fine unil the new addition of a scopas tang, pink tip hatian anenome and a clown fish, i added the new fish right after the new water change though, i figured since the nitrates were so high, it would benefit the new arrivals to change the water before they got in. i am using a crushed coral sandbed, obviously i made the wrong choice, however, being that it is already installed, what is the best way to battle this problem
thank you so much for your time, i can't imagine getting started at this without adequate advice. john