what is the best way to wash southdown sand?


Active Member
Besides...it won't make much difference. I rinsed mine twice, and it still clouded the water initially. That will settle out, but expect it. I am happy I put Southdown in my tank. It is good stuff!


Active Member
Lower the sand in slowly to minimize the particles in the water, but the fine silt which will cause the milky appearance shouldn't hurt the fish. I have had my bed stirred some after introducing fish, and it didn't harm my fish.
Cant say they'll love it, but it shouldn't hurt them.


if your gonna wash it put it in a pillow case and rinse thoroghly thats what i did. still got milky but didnt look like a glass of milk

nm reef

Active Member
Actually the fine silt is one of the many benefits of using oolitic type aragonite sands for substrates...this includes southdown. In time the fine particles will settle and harbor the bacterias we need to help maintain our systems. Try to add it slowly and let it settle out on its own....after the initial cloudiness you'll be pleased with the final product.:cool:


heres a trick, take a new funnel get a new piece of pvc pipe from hardware store. attach the two where it a inch or two from the bottom. have someone pour the sand in the funnel slowly and you move it around