What is the coolest hitch hiker?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I just got home from the LFS today. I needed to beef up my clean up crew, so I got 2 turbo snails and a half dozen hermits. When I put the bag for snails in the tank to begin acclimation, I noticed a very tiny asterina star in there....there was a time when I would have been over joyed with such a find, but seeing as I already have about 100 of them, I just scooped it out and put it in the tank with the snails...hmmmm....
The coolest hitch hiker I've gotten so far was a bumble bee snail on some live rock at the very start of my tank...I was a happy camper that evening, til I found out that he probably wouldn't make it through the cycle. He did eventually make it...we named him Speedy...but then he had a run in with my skimmer. I found him eventually when I did some maintenance on the skimmer and pulled the bio-media out...I have his shell in the tank as a memorial...poor Speedy.

Lisa :happyfish

i remember you talking about that snail when you first started your tank and how you were gunna ask the lfs to hold on to him until your tank finished cycling, lol.
anyway, my coolest hitchiker was a prurple sea urchin. nothing amazing, but he was a hitchhiker.