What is the correct temp?


New Member
What is the correct temp for salt water fish? No matter who I ask they all tell me something different. Plus me fish has Ich and I was told to up the temp to 84, what do you think?


Active Member
There is no correct temperature. The oceans of the world vary in temperature in different locations and seasons. Most people consider the optimal temperature for an aquarium to be between 72 to 80 degrees.
Short durations up to ~85 degrees are acceptable as long as the temperature changes gradually. Stability of temperature is usually considered to be more important than having a specific set point.
Raising the temperature will speed up how quickly the ich parasite goes through its lifecycle. It will not cure the disease by itself.

bang guy

For tropical reef animals the average temp should be somewhere between 80&85F, a few degrees higher if you're only keeping Red Sea Animals, a little cooler if you're keeping Caribbean Animals. Stability is a lot more important than the actual temperature you choose.
As far as the Ick, increasing the temp will not help your animal and may actually speed its death. I suggest you set up a quaranteen tank and follow the hyposalinity proceedures outlined in the sticky at the top of the forum.