what is the deal with Twilight?


Originally Posted by stdreb27
I'm not talking so much about the movie. It is probably nothing like the books. I do like dumb movies like underworld.
I'm going to see it tomorrow. I hear the movie follows the book very well.

el guapo

Active Member
It was a pretty good show . I enjoyed it . There were cheesey moments but I would say thats what made it work . I give it a thumbs up .


I had to go to the midnight showing. I was pretty frustrated, but did it anyway. Was about 95% screaming 15 yr olds, i was in a horrible mood by the end of it. If the book was written like the movie(I have no idea if it is or not) then it was written very poorly. Some of the cheesy crap drove me nuts


Active Member
Originally Posted by alexmir
I had to go to the midnight showing. I was pretty frustrated, but did it anyway. Was about 95% screaming 15 yr olds, i was in a horrible mood by the end of it. If the book was written like the movie(I have no idea if it is or not) then it was written very poorly. Some of the cheesy crap drove me nuts

like I said saucy novel without any sauce. My wife absolutely loved it. Something she usually reserves for only the corniest straight to video disney movies. So draw what conclusions that you may...


Well-Known Member
I agree that Anne Rice is a great author to read.
True Blood is a pretty good show, and they are filming it about an hour away from where I live XD (or at least the setting)
Twilight - I read the first book in 3 hours. I READ it, not skimmed. It was a pretty good book, but the movie didn't catch most of the important points.
I don't know if I'm going to read the rest of the series though, depends on how interested I am. And yes, it is a book written for Jr. High students...
However, if you have to say that, you know that your newspapers are written for the 6th grade reading level, right?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by alexmir
I had to go to the midnight showing. I was pretty frustrated, but did it anyway. Was about 95% screaming 15 yr olds, i was in a horrible mood by the end of it. If the book was written like the movie(I have no idea if it is or not) then it was written very poorly. Some of the cheesy crap drove me nuts

YEah, I know what you mean. Most of the moviegoers were screaming 15yr olds. The girl behind me was panting and moaning when a certain guy came on the screen...


my GF borrowed the first book from a friend then went out and got the rest and read them in a week. it was pretty nice not having to deal with her for a while; like a mini vacation. and her and the friend are going to see the movie so i get out of that too


Active Member
Originally Posted by morval
my GF borrowed the first book from a friend then went out and got the rest and read them in a week. it was pretty nice not having to deal with her for a while; like a mini vacation. and her and the friend are going to see the movie so i get out of that too


el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
like I said saucy novel without any sauce. My wife absolutely loved it. Something she usually reserves for only the corniest straight to video disney movies. So draw what conclusions that you may...

Originally Posted by stdreb27

So it seems all my favorite things my wife hates. Or anything I just do is annoying. From how I cover myself with the corner of the blanket, to my favorite pair of shoes. It seems like everything I like she dislikes. Why does this happen?



Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO

come on that isn't fair. BTW that thread was someone serious but mostly humorous...
besides there is a difference between some awesome shoes and liking kid movies a little too much.


Originally Posted by morval
my GF borrowed the first book from a friend then went out and got the rest and read them in a week. it was pretty nice not having to deal with her for a while; like a mini vacation. and her and the friend are going to see the movie so i get out of that too

This is exactly how i felt, like i had a mini vacation. It was excellent. Iusually i get griped at for going upstairs and playing COD 4 for hours, but she encouraged it, so that i would stay out of her way.
A girl actually did moan, i mean really moaned, not faked it when the edward guy kised the girl. I sat up and turned around to give her the " i think you should go ahead and kill yourself" look.


Originally Posted by alexmir
This is exactly how i felt, like i had a mini vacation. It was excellent. Iusually i get griped at for going upstairs and playing COD 4 for hours, but she encouraged it, so that i would stay out of her way.
A girl actually did moan, i mean really moaned, not faked it when the edward guy kised the girl. I sat up and turned around to give her the " i think you should go ahead and kill yourself" look.
Hahaha, that's terrible. Thanks for sharing.


Active Member
i just finished the 4th book and it was awesome. it is meant for jr high kids, but it is well written, i think. the 4th book is the best of all of them. as for the --- scenes, there arent any descriptions or anything.
the books are good stuff in my opinion.