What is the formula to find out how many gallons


I have an odd sized tank and I am trying to figure out exactly how many gallons my tank is..........thanks for the wonderfull help you people give everyday.


Say your tank was 48 long, 18 high, and 18 wide:
Take 48" X 18" X 18" = 15,552 cubic inches
divide by 1729 to get cubic feet
(12 X 12 X 12 = 1729 cubic inches in a cubic foot)
Convert to cubie feet = 9
7 . 480 gal per cubic foot
9 X 7.480 = 67.32 gal tank


Active Member

Originally posted by Tagg
Say your tank was 48 long, 18 high, and 18 wide:
Take 48" X 18" X 18" = 15,552 cubic inches
divide by 1729 to get cubic feet
(12 X 12 X 12 = 1729 cubic inches in a cubic foot)
Convert to cubie feet = 9
7 . 480 gal per cubic foot
9 X 7.480 = 67.32 gal tank

You know if the 67.32 is the gallons figured, the inside dimention may be slightly smaller. It may be an even 65 gallon tank. Lesley


You had to make me curious didn't ya.
Measured the outside (including plastic frame) of a 55 gal.
48.25 X 12.75 X 20.75 = 12765.14 cu. in
or 7.3872 cu. ft. X 7.48 = 55.2565 gal
Hmmm..... you don't fill it to the very top, and the outside dimentions of the moldings are much wider than the inside dimentions.
We are all getting ripped off. :notsure:


Active Member

Originally posted by ReefNut
L" x W" x D" /231

Hey tagg . . . this is a MUCH simpler method to achieve the same result. :)


Thanks 007,
I saw your last post on that magic nomber "231"
But do you think I can ever remember it. :thinking:
Many years ago, thats all I used when I was building my own tanks. I think I have "old timers disease".

ggaT :)