What is the meanest fish out there that can be taken in a home?


Active Member
This post is more for my benefit more than anything else. I have damsels and I know they are mean. I don't know how to work the poll option but in your experience what would you consider the most aggressive fish (for the home tank)?

sea worthy

MY LUNARE WRASSE IMO he gets a tude once a day and just starts slamming the maroon clown till he rips fins, next day he clamps into the coral catfish! I think he has dual personalitys!


I have a domino damsel and he is a mean little

. makes me think what he will be like when hes full grow


I would have to say my Lunare wrasse. He is a terror in the tank. I am in the process of trying to get him out. Not only is he mean, but he is real fast.


New Member
LFS changed up some tanks and had a big Clown Trigger in and open/ low tank and some knothead stuck his finger in it and the thing bit him :scared: .....Duh!!! Point is some can be dangerous to people......People will always be kinda dangerous to themselves...Ignorance can be anywhere....

Divers can atest to big triggers shot with a

will grind their teeth and try to bite you when trying to bag them....Sorry to offend anyone, but some triggers are good eating....and plenitful in some places....

shark bait

As far as as size the Devil Blue damsel is a real

and is very mean. Often picking on fish like large triggers. but I say a titian or a queen is by far as mean as they get. Titan triggers have been know to even attack divers. And show size queens have torn apart large tanks so bad the owner gave it back to the LFS.


Originally Posted by reefer75
I would have to say my Lunare wrasse. He is a terror in the tank. I am in the process of trying to get him out. Not only is he mean, but he is real fast.

I work at a *****, and I had to seperate a lunare from a puffer, because he would steal krill right out of his mouth a bully him into the corner.
Keep in mind, the puffer was a good 7 inches, and the lunare was barely 2.