I just want to know how low a salinity could go in order for fish to still survive. I know that its something like 1.008 to kill ick but how low can it really go?
Who would believe me if I said my salinity is at 1.007 and I have a Mac. Angel, Orange-Shoulder Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Singapore Angel, and Picasso Trigger, all thriving?
The fish have been at this salinity level for approximately 1-2 months due to an outbreak of ick on my Powder Blue Tang. This tank in particular has been set up for 2 years now and I have had the fish that are in there for over 8 months.
I bought both of mine from dr. fosters and smith online a.k.a petswarehouse.com. They were $14 a piece and I would say they were between 3-5 inches when they came. They were still in the yellow stage when they arrived. Here's a pic of my older one:
It isn't like a tried to get that algae in there but it just came in naturally. The fish in the tank love to graze on it and it actually looks pretty good too. Why are you so concerned with it? Is green slime algae a bad thing?