What is the most dangerous animal/coral out there??


Active Member

Originally posted by Lurch694u
LOL! Do a search on the board on a "tree sponge growing"out of someones tank... I think Mr bubbles wrote about his 25 foot high tree sponge...

lol, yea I remember hearing something about that. Never got the pleasure of reading it though. I think it was deleted...
I think it's still there, though some of the links and pics have gone out-of-date and don't work anymore. Funny as *&^% too. As for dangerous sea creatures, I got stung by a jellyfish at Galveston recently. My first thought was "It itches", then I reached down to scratch it and Oh Boy! I should NOT have done that! :eek: Talk about a terrible pain! That sucked though I can only imagine what it must be like to be attacked by one of the other creatures listed... :eek:


Active Member

Originally posted by HairTrigger
A hungry warm-water dweller, commonly called a "Sammy Stingray." :D

You, you.....you'll get your's mister.:D
As far as my limited knowledge, the blue ring has the most deadly bite in the sea. You would be dead within minutes if CPR was not given immediately, and then basically life support until the effects wear off. I don't believe these creatures should EVER be seen in the hobby, but I have seen a few at my LFS...with a warning, but still...........


Thanks for the explanation. Molecular chemistry and Chemical interaction is cool stuff. I always liked chemistry in school.. Nuclear chemistry just happens to suck though. Way too much red tape and people watching over yeah.


Active Member
We were on a cruise a couple of years ago and I sat on a jellyfish... OUCH! The ships doctor had my husband take care of the area ;)



Originally posted by GatorCSM
Thanks for the explanation. Molecular chemistry and Chemical interaction is cool stuff. I always liked chemistry in school.. Nuclear chemistry just happens to suck though. Way too much red tape and people watching over yeah.

AGREE!!!! Now I'll fill out a form for five levels of engineering approval on.... tightening a fastener!