what is the most important thing you are glad you knew?


Active Member
Hello, I'm a noobie to saltwater and I don't want to miss anything when I setup my new tank after it gets here (in about a week). I have read so much great information on this board and that is mostly overwelming to take it all in at in. I have been researching alot for the last 4 weeks.
So, I thought by posting this thread I might get a pretty good summation of the most important things you all were glad you knew or did in setting up and maintaining your aquarium...
For me so far I think one of the most important lessons I am learning here is that most of the LFS really don't know cr&#!


Spend the money for what you need, this hobby will bite you in the

if you go cheap, from one who found out too late,lol.


Originally Posted by maeistero
i wish i read the first sticky thread before my post. :thinking:

I agree....


Active Member
Try not to stress yourself about how things are going in your tank!!!
Keep in mind when it comes to SW fish that these are wild caught specimens for the most part and none but the strongest will live though the process of capture, shipping, holding and eventual introduction to your tank.
Do not impart human emotion and reasoning capability's to the fish and other life that ends up in your tank. They are not capable of it. Your tank is in many ways just like things would go for them if they were left in the wild. The odds are against them.
Do your best and be prepared for some ups and downs and always learn from your mistakes.
Good luck with your new tank, its a great hobby when things are kept in perspective.