What is the name of your fish? And why did you name it that?


Active Member
PJ cardinal - Cedric (idk just looked like a Cedric)
solar fairy wrasse - Bonnie (my great aunt Bonnie named it)
clown - nemo - lil sister
1 random turbo snail- Steve ( to get back at uncle steve)
I have 2 seahorses that still need a name.


Active Member

Originally Posted by metweezer
I have a fat legged hogfish I named Hillary. Just kidding

I love it !!!!!
I have a foxface for my son he is 8 and he named it "FOXY"
A diamond gobie and my friends son named it "mr brents fish" I'm brent
he also named a manderin red tail. ( dead )
a blue yellow tail damsel named blackie ( dead )
2 yellow damsels one called long tail and one called shhort tail due to long tail eating short tails tail.( gave them to a lfs )
a puffer named spot
two cleaner shrimp that are huge. I call them cuticule remover one and 2.
clown named speedy ( dead )


this is a pretty cool thread. my fish that have names-
Blonde Naso- Picasso, he just looks like a painting to me
Longhorn Cowfish- Sponge Bob Square Pants aka "Bob"
Diana's Hogfish- Sheriff, cause he just patrols the tank day and night, nonstop
Mandarin Dragonette- Bob Marley, idk , the colors?
Blue Damsel- Mark Martin. He's a racer for sure, and is always peeling out in the sand
Yellow Tail Damsel- Charlie? He's the most polite Damsel ive seen
Foxface- Venom. Anyone who knows about these fish should understand
Firefish Goby- Flash. This guy is all about being flashy.Constantly poppin his collar
Coral Banded Shrimp- Demarcus Beasley. He used to play soccer for PSV and their uniforms are red/white striped
Lawnmower Blenny- Lenny the blenny. I wish everyone could have one of those guys
And my two Clowns- Bonnie and Clyde. (tried so hard to think of somethin original and gave up)
On a side note, is there really close to 0% chance of Beasley ever cleanin my fish? he's pretty snobby
Great thread !!!


New Member
Ya I Am Having Trouble Naming My Coral Beauty Angelfish....
Can Someong=e Help Me?
I Am Looking For The Right Name... Something Thaat Clicks When You Say It. I Love My Fish So I Want A Great Name!


Ok so you name your dog and cat why not fish. we named ours .
2 False Percula clowns Snow and Bows
Green chroms Bitty
Flameangel Flamey
Yellow Tang Ice
Royal Gramma Passion
Lawnmower Blenny Charlie
Mandrin Dragonet spoted spotie


Mandarin Dragonet--Sasha (RIP)
Sixline Wrasse--Serge
Bicolor Blenny--J.P.
Cherub Angel--Angelica
Percula Clown--Willy
Green Chromis': Gary and Grant
Cleaner Shrimp--Francois


Femal occ.clown-"chubs"/ chubby because shes fat and mean and picks on her mate and steals food from him
Male occ. clown- "spider pig" because my girlfriend........who knows?


Along with my saltwater addiction, I'm a Disney freek!
Three perc clowns - Coral, Marlin & Nemo
Lawnmower blenny- Goofy
Fireshrimp- Jessica (Rabbit)
Gold head sleeper goby-Rodger (Rabbit)
Purple porcelain crab- Sebastian
Powder brown tang - Scuttle
My family is ready to have me put away. Far, far away!

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by casper1875
Along with my saltwater addiction, I'm a Disney freek!
Three perc clowns - Coral, Marlin & Nemo
Lawnmower blenny- Goofy
Fireshrimp- Jessica (Rabbit)
Gold head sleeper goby-Rodger (Rabbit)
Purple porcelain crab- Sebastian
Powder brown tang - Scuttle
My family is ready to have me put away. Far, far away!
well if you have a big dumb fish you can name it (gaston)


ive named a few fish but my brother a long time ago had 2 oscars and a pleco in the same tank...There names were Mic Lobe and Light....Michelobe light


Ok this is a good one. My best friend mom setup a FW tank when Clinton was still president. She bought a couple of small cichlids, (I cant remember what they were exactly). She was a huge Clinton supported so she named them Hillary and Bill. Hillary killed off Bill in a matter of a few weeks. She continued to "replace" Bill and everytime the result was the same. Im not sure how many fish were killed as a result of Hillary, but it was a lot. They even attempted a couple of large Oscars thinking the size and aggressiveness would keep them safe. To this day, anytime any one of us has a fish that is a notorious killer it gets dubbed the "Hillary" fish. It still drives his mom nuts.


Unidentified tang I've had 4 years: Audrey Hepburn
yellow tang: big bird
2 engineer gobies: thing one and thing two
2 black clowns: Black nemo one and two
clown gobie: Hoss
chocolate chip star: Sux
6 line wrasse: Brianna
Blue Psuedocromis: Tara
Anthia: Nikki
target mandrinfish: Target
Black and white damsel: Ashley
Pixi Hawk: just realized it has no name


Active Member
my maroon clown is known as "suntan nemo"
my algae blenny is "blen"
and my dearly departed coral banded shrimp was "clippy"


Maroon clown-Tony (Soprano)
Yellowtail demsel -Paulie: Again from the Soprano
Lemonpeel angelfish- Sony (from the godfather)
Firefish- ??? cant find mafia name for him,still searching!!!